They are the leaves and stems of a plant; when an herb dries, the essential oils present in the plant concentrate. This makes them become more pungent as they dry, but they are not created equal. 

Imalayan Nettle Leaves 

Girardinia diversifolia, also known as Himalayan nettle, is a perennial herb used in Nepal to make fiber as well as in traditional medicine for the treatment of several diseases. To date, phytochemical studies and biological assays on this plant are scarce. 

The golden Himalayan raspberry is a large shrub with stout stems that can grow to up to 4.5 metres (15 ft) long. Its leaves are trifoliate, elliptic, or obovate and toothed with long bristles. Its leaves can grow to up to 5 to 10 cm (2 to 4 in) long. 

Hot water infusion of mullein leaf tea leaves has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Mullein leaf tea is rich in polyphenols and the antioxidants present in the leaves offer the perfect wellness tea for lung cleanse and detox. It assists with breathing concerns, cough and cold. 

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is an herb native to the Mediterranean region. The leaf and its oil are commonly used in food and also to make medicine. Rosemary seems to increase blood circulation when applied to the scalp, which might help hair follicles grow. 

Himalayan Thyme Leaves 

Himalayan Thyme is found on rocky slope in the Himalayas, from Afghanistan to China, at altitudes of 1500-4300 m. Flowering: April-September. Medical uses: Himalayan Thyme contains essential oils including thymol which is a strong antiseptic that is gentle on the skin. 

Himalayan Pine Needle 

Himalayan Pine needles contain antioxidants, which reduce free radicals. It is a known fact that Taoist priests use to drink pine needle tea as they believed it made them live longer. There is also research evidence that pine needle tea can help to slow the aging process. 

Himalayan Mugwort / Artemesia  

Himalayan Mugwort, also known as Artemisia vulgaris, is a perennial plant that is native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa. It is a member of the daisy family and has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. 

Eppermint Leaves 

Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) is a plant in the mint family. It's a natural hybrid of spearmint and wild mint. The leaf and oil are used as medicine. Peppermint oil seems to reduce spasms in the digestive tract. 

Spearmint Leaves 

Spearmint, or Mentha spicata is a pleasant-smelling species of mint. Potential health benefits include improving digestion, being high in antioxidants, and helping with memory. Spearmint is often present in health-food products, toothpastes, mouthwashes, and cosmetics. 

Himalayan Oregano Leaves 

Description. Living Himalayas Oregano is brought to you from fine extraction through oregano plants with removal of dirt and impurities to provide you healthy and tasty oregano leaves for healthy hot drinks is priority along with quality processing. 

It helps to get rid of the harmful radicals out of the body. Buransh juice provides excellent anti-oxidant properties for skin, liver, kidney, and heart. Studies have confirmed that Rhododendron leaves and flowers can be consumed to eliminate Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. 

Chamomile, also sometimes spelt as 'camomile', is a daisy-like herb known for its health, cosmetic, and nutritional benefits, especially in folk and traditional medicine. Our Chamomile Green Tea has an extremely pleasant aroma and is a very delicate tea with strong floral scents. 

Hibiscus Flower Petals 

Blue Pea Flower Petals 

Himalayan Lavender Buds 

Blue Corn Petals 

Indian Rose Petals 

Himalayan Rosehip 

Himalayan Soapnut 

Himalayan Jatamansi 

Himlayan Kapoor Kachri 

Angelica Glauca root